Red Tail Hawk – or chichekwawk in the USA.remedy made of the feather also.and his feathers are consideredsacred by American Natives and used in religious ceremonies.The main idea with this bird is RESPONSIBILITY for the family. They thinknobody else is responsible for making the family happy or providing for them, sothey take this responsibility as an obligation and they feel that he/she isresponsible for the family’s happiness and for keeping the family together becausefor them the family circle is very very important. They can become irritable.are not happy because they need to feel freedom, but at the same time caringfor them and one day they realize they are trapped doing someone elseresponsibilities. Sensible, desires company, especially friends, has headaches,typical of the birds, pain in the right eye as if will come out. Dreams of water,Colour blue dreams, water warts that look like bird skin after being plucked.they have thin bone structure, they like to migrate, fast metabolism, sharpsight vision, fluid,and they are riching for a balance. Calm, but energetic,feel constriction of energy in their bodies, and have a strong will. They demand a lot from themselves.Dreams of freedom and thinks he is a great person, in the highs he has the power, and mental clearness.


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