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- Dr. HERING to Dr. HERING, The Homeopath
Dr. HERING to Dr. HERING, The Homeopath
In 1821, the campaign against Hahnemann was at its peak, C. Baumgartner, the founder of a publishing house in Leipzig, wanted to publish a book against Homeopathy to finish the system. Dr. Robbi was asked to write it, but he declined for want of time and recommended Hering, his young assistant. Hering was very pleased with this mark of confidence and started work on the project.. But while going through the writings of Hahnemann he came across the famous
Not a bene for my reviewers in the preface of the third volume of the Materia Medica Pura which said among other things, The doctrine appeals not only chiefly, but solely to the verdict of experience, repeat the experiments it cries aloud, repeat them carefully and accurately and you will find the doctrine confirmed at every step and it does what no medical doctrine, no system of physics, no so-called therapeutics did or could do, it insists upon being judged by the result.
Hering decided to confirm the truth of the above remarks. He repeated the experiments with Cinchona and the results of Hahnemann were confirmed. Further study of homeopathic Materia Medica and his experiments made him more convinced about Hahnemann’s ideas. The book against Homeopathy thus never saw the light of the day.
The book against Homeopathy thus never saw the light of the day.
In 1824, an incident occurred which developed in him unshakeable faith for Homeopathy. The fore finger of his right hand was cut while making a dissection on a dead body. The wound rapidly became gangrenous. The routine orthodox medical treatment had no effect. Kummer, a disciple of Hahnemann persuaded him to take homeopathic treatment and gave him Arsenic-alb. After a few doses, he felt better and the gangrene was soon cured completely. Hering was surprised and became greatly interested in Homeopathy,