Henry Perkins Shattuck, M. D., of Boston, Mass., was born in Dunkirk, N. Y., on November 27th, 1844.

He is of American descent. His father, the distinguished Dr. Alvin Shattuck, was born in Vermont, on April 12th, 1821, and, from 1839 to 1842, wasin the naval service of the United States in the South Pacific. He afterwards took up the study of medicine, and graduated from the Cincinnati Medical College, in 1848, and commenced practice in Westfield, N. Y., and afterwards, in 1857, removed to Buffalo, where he had a very large and valuable practice, and was especially noted for his skill as a surgeon and operative obstetrician. He died in Buffalo, August 15th, 1872.

Dr. Henry P. Shattuck, the subject of this sketch, was educated in Buffalo, N. Y. Turning his attention to the subject of medicine when but seventeen years of age, he received the advantage of three courses of lectures in Harvard Medical College. Concluding his studies for the time being, and having passed an examination, he entered the service of the United States as an assistant surgeon in the Army.

After filling well the duties of this position for about one year, he was reluctantly obliged to resign his office on account of ill healthproduced by over work in the hospital at Savannah, Ga. Returning to the North, he graduated at- the Harvard Medical College, in 1866, and at once entered upon the practice of medicine in the city of Boston, where he is now located.

He was married in Buffalo, November 24th, 1870. He has been for years the incumbent of distinguished positions, has been a member of the Boston School Board for six years, and is at the present time a member of the State Legislature. His name has been familiar with the people of the entire country for some time on account of the absurd position and factious opposition of the Surgeon General of the State of Massachusetts toward him. In1871, he was appointed Medical Director of the First Brigade of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia by Brigadier General J. S. Burrill, commanding the same, but on account of his belief in homoeopathy. Surgeon General Dale, of Massachusetts, has so far prevented his receiving his commission. As an evidence of his fitness for the position, as well as his popularity, it is sufficient to say, that he is endorsed by all the homoeopathic physicians in the State, by many Old School physicians, and by physicians already in the Militia of the State, who thereby recommend him fortheir superior officer, and by all right minded citizens who despise this evidence of an antiquated narrowness and ridiculous bigotry. It is hoped by all who have interested themselves in this matter that he may yet succeed in getting this position.

He is a member of the Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society, the Boston Academy of Homoeopathy, and of the American Institute of Homoeopathy.

From Cleave’s Biographical Cyclopedia of Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons.


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