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  • Female Medical College of Pennsylvania Female Medical College of Pennsylvania & Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania 229 Arch Street – Philadelphia – 1850

Female Medical College of Pennsylvania Female Medical College of Pennsylvania & Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania 229 Arch Street – Philadelphia – 1850

Homeopathy was brought to the United States (beginning in 1825) by several doctors who had studied in Europe. They, in turn, converted other doctors to homeopathic practice. Slowly schools were established, and a medical organization was formed. By the mid-1800’s, several medical colleges existed that taught homeopathy, including the New England Female Medical College, the first medical school in the U.S. to admit women, and the Medical College of Pennsylvania..

Both the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania and Homeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania were founded on progressive principles, and innovation has remained a hallmark of both institutions for over 150 years. Ironically, both institutions met their first classes in the same Arch Street building in the city of Philadelphia.

Reference: Sylvian Cazalet.


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