Dr. Jeremy Sherr proving was made from the blood of the Americanbald Eagle wounded at right wing and confined to cage.She presents her symtoms in a calm manner, with little emotion, asif she is an observer. To Dr. Sherr eagle is a dichotomy of two parallelextremes: the Upward motion-elevation and elation and grounding, spiraldepression and despair plus the horror of destruction, evil forces “thekilling machine”, and the “crack on in the universe of her every day life.Vivacious, happy, they feel stuck and hopeless a bout a situation much asthe captive eagle with desire to fly away, recovering her freedom in life.Dr. Jonathan Shore, the feather gives exactly the same sympthoms.feels an eagle as a clash between two backroundsthe real every day life and her world of dreams, mixed in a vision ofextrasensorial view throught her dreams. Astral dreams, a desire ofspiritual change, feels as if she cannot deal with herself and does not knowhow to live in her body.As all bird remedies, have excess energy, dreams, desire breeze of woods>warm weather, <11-12 hrs. Eye vision prominent, thin bone structure,feels being on top sightseeing from the top the threats of the abyss. appetittedisorders, desires freedom, fast metabolism, happy, perfectionism, vertigoBack pains, sexual desire, itching, the idea to be on top .Mind-awareness heightened-body,of-centered in body feels.Mind abrupt, Mind cheerful, dancing laughing, singing, withMind Clairvoyance. Mind colors – white-desire for-hair, attracted to white.Mind Company desire for-alone agg. whenMind confusion of mind-knows not where he/she isMind delusions double-beingMind delusions floating air in,there are 463 rubricsBeatriz HH for ILH, 25-11-10 


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