Homeopathy in Italy

Dr. Mengozzi gives a sketch of the history of homoeopathy in Italy — at least, he gives a number of facts associated with homoeopathy in his own country, some of which may be new to our readers. Ferdinand I, of Naples, he tells us, was a patron of homoeopathy.

The Allopathic Royal Academy of Medicine of Naples hastened to offer to scientists ”an exposition of the Materia Medica and Organon of Hahnemann,” whatever that may mean, ” which greatly contributed to the spread of homoeopathy.” Francis I did still more for homoeopathy in 1828 and 1829. He ordered it to be introduced into the Military Hospital of the Trinity.

Ferdinand II did more for homoeopathy than his two predecessors. On the occasion of cholera in Sicily he caused instruction in relation to its homoeopathic treatment to be circulated. He likewise gave permission for the foundation of a dispensary and academy of homoeopathy in Palermo.The Duke of Lucca called to his court the homoeopathic physicians, Drs. Necker and Schmidt.

King Charles Albert, in 1839, issued a decree for the foundation of a homoeopathic dispensary at Turin. “The great soldier of our country’s battles, Victor Emanuel II, King of Italy, laid the undisplaceable corner stone of the Royal Homoeopathic Establishment or Institute in Naples.

An excerpt from Dr. Mengozzi’s memoirs. A review published in The British Journal of Homeopathy


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