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It would be well for him to remember the fate of an Allopathic doctor in the State of New York who denounced a young Homeopath located in his neighborhood as a quack.
He was brought before a court of justice on the charge of insult and abuse. The case turned upon the definition of quack, and the applicability of that definition to the plaintiff. The quack is an ignorant pretender to knowledge.
The young Homeopath produced his certificates and diplomas, proving that he had received a good classical and medical education. A quack is aboastful advertiser of his own merits aud capabilities. The young doctor had announced his business in a modest and unpretending manner. The quack is a vender of secret medicines and nostrums. The plaintiff secreted nothing, deceived nobody. He invited investigation, and was ever ready to explain his system and his measures to those who wanted information.
The definition was exhausted: it did not fit the case; the Allopath was guilty of insult and abuse. The judge imposed aheavy fine upon him and administered a severe and well merited rebuke.
Reference: THE Truth About Homoeopathy. BY DR. HOLCOMBE.