JULIUS AEGIDI (1795 – 1874)

Aegidi commenced his practice as an Allopath, but was led to embrace the principles of Homoeopathy by being himself relieved of a chronic trouble through Hahnemann’s personal treatment.

He was physician to the Princess Fredericka of Prussia, and practised in Dusseldorf, Konigsburg and Berlin.

He was one of the contributors to the Hahnemann Jubilee of 1829, at which time he was district physician at Tilsit in Prussia. In the Zeitung list and in Quin’s list he was located at Dusseldorf.

He was a prolific writer, and his medical and social influence were very widely felt.

At one time Dr. Aegidi proposed to Hahnemann to administer a mixture of two highly potentized remedies each corresponding to different parts of the disease. In the potentized state the medicines thus mixed would be incapable of chemical reaction but would each act separately in its own sphere. Dr. Boenninghausen approved of the idea and Hahnemann was induced to present the matter to the meeting of the Central Society for 1833.

Hahnemann was persuaded that this would probably lead to the polypharmacy of the old school, and he decided to exclude this doctrine from the new edition of the ” Organon.”

Jahr afterwards mentioned Aegidi’s discovery, and Aegidi answered Jahr in an article published in the Archiv for 1834. Aegidi disavowed this method in 1857.

This matter caused Lutze, in his sixth edition of the Organon, to declare that Hahnemann favored alternation of remedies. Aegidi had previously repudiated the notion, however.

Hahnemann, in a letter dated 1831, says: “Did Stapf, as I requested, give j^ou the news for publication that Dr. Aegidi, of Tilsit, has accepted the call as homoeopathic physician in ordinary to her royal highness. Princess Fredericka of Prussia, in Dusseldorf, with a yearly salary of 600 thalers, traveling expenses, and the written official permission to prescribe his own medicines, and that he has entered on his office ?”

In the Zeitung for May 18, 1874, is the following: A highly honored veteran, Dr. Julius Aegidi, Privy Councilor, etc., who until the very last practised Homoeopathy with unwonted vigor and interest, and one of its last remaining veterans, is now gone, having departed this life May 11, 1874, in his eightieth year.

He died of uraemia at Freienwalde, Germany.

The Monthly Homoeopathic Review for August, 1874, says that he died at Freienwalde in his seventy-ninth year. Dr. Aegidi was one of Hahnemann’s earliest disciples.


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