Year 1896 = discussion between a group of doctors:

HISTORY: Year 1896 = discussion between a group of doctors:

*Dr. Holcome: Nasal catarrh is one of the most prevalent troubles; one of the most frequent called upon to treat, and one of the most difficult to treat!

*Dr. Bowen: That brings me to a great deal of money each day!

*Dr. Taylor: I have found a great deal of difficulty too. As soon as you use sprays or local applications, you will have trouble!

*Dr. Pearson: It depends altogether upon what the physician seeks to treat or cure what the result will be. The one, who looks upon catarrh as a disease and thinks the catarrh has been stopped when the discharge is stopped, has accomplished all he has desired, but the one who attempts to treat disease in this way will always find that he is treating one thing or another as long as the patient may live. I believe catarrh to be one of those peculiar manifestations that affords the greatest interest in the constitutional tendency of an individual that you may find. It is unfortunate when any physician attempts to suppress a condition!

*****Long Live Homeopathy! Iman


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